Lunch with Paolo and Giada
Our Chianti tour included lunch at a villa, and it turned out this was Giada and Paolo's place. Paolo would be quick to point out that it is Giada's, since it has been in her family since the 1700s (it's an interesting story, and you can find it here, as well as information if you want to stay there). The original villa was built in the 13th century. You'll have to go to the website to see a view of the villa itself - it was a little too wet to walk around much.
View from one of the bedrooms
Lunch was fabulous enough that I got their cookbook ("I feel like a celebrity chef!" - Giada, when asked to sign it). Pasta, salad, chicken in Chianti, panacotta with fruit. And of course, wine. Several of my Vacation Pounds should just drop off when I am not having wine and dessert with lunch and dinner, not to mention Paolo not feeding us 4 times a day.
My empty pannacotta, and a cute new use for random glass jars
View of the hall, with some of our tour group in it
Back in the day, you had your very own chapel
One of the B&B bedrooms
Our charming tour guide and his lovely wife