Damn It.
I lost 3 pounds this first week.
BUT, I also found out what those weekly points are for, and they are indeed for getting into trouble. Like when you eat lunch, and then go to a baby shower and eat lunch AGAIN and have an apricot bellini because why wouldn't you.
Or, when you do a mini-sprint triathlon and go to breakfast for your traditional post-race breakfast.
The regular pancake syrup was really pecan caramel sauce, but I couldn't find that listed, so too bad
I did not know it was possible to have a 36-point breakfast. Although I am not too sure about those french toast points, they seem excessive. Right?
Overall, this has been pretty easy though (so far). I feel full most of the time - really full after a 36-point french toast breakfast, let me tell you - and the tracking really hasn't been that hard to do. My only complaint (other than the wine thing - why can't wine be zero points instead of dumb old vegetables?) is the points seem a little inconsistent. That french toast for example - anywhere from 3 points (french toast sticks "fast food") to 11 points for 2 slices.
So, there's some effort in figuring the best way to calculate your meal. We had a small baguette at dinner last night. One "piece" is 5 points, but no info on what exactly a piece is. So, I weighed the baguette, estimated the number of pieces we normally cut, and adjusted the calculation to ounces. Worked great (although you can't always changed the serving size like that, most of the time you can).
On to week two!